There are many great ministry opportunities here at
Agape Family Church. Below are just a few of the ministries that are crucial to the effectiveness of our services.
At Agape Family Church, our Greeters are ready to greet every person who comes through our church doors wherever we assemble for service. We are excited and thankful for everyone who comes across our paths to whom we have the opportunity to minister. Our heart desires that everyone who comes to Agape Family Church will be blessed and receive everything they need and experience a whole lot more of God's goodness and grace towards them. The greeters welcome everyone with open arms just as they are. We want everyone to know we are here for each of them. We are a loving and growing family church that preaches and lives the Word of God, and we are excited about what God has for you in your daily walk with Him. Our greeters stand ready and armed with faith and love to extend to everyone God's love and grace.
The Projection Ministry seeks to serve the congregation in the heart of our Lord Jesus by making the song lyrics and Scriptures accessible to people. Easy to read song lyrics and clear presentation of the scripture passages used in the sermon allow people to experience the flow of the Holy Ghost in our services. Our projection assistants prepare the song list before each service and operate the computer program during the service to make it easy for people to participate. Our prayer is that the projection ministry will help people focus on God's presence in our midst as they see the words and images displayed before them.
The Sound Ministry works to bring a balanced and blended sound to our worship service so the music and the Word of God can be clearly understood, allowing believers to experience the Holy Ghost in our services. We keep a digital archive of many of our sermons. We would like for all to listen to them as needed and receive all that God has for them.
The ushers at Agape Family Church help greet people as they arrive for our services. We desire for people to feel welcome and loved and to experience the presence of God authentically and powerfully. The ushers assist the Pastor and the congregation during the service in seating people, receiving the offering, distributing communion, and standing by to help when Pastor prays for individuals with needs. Ushers are also available to provide people with information or direct them to those ministry leaders who can help them. Our ushers help to maintain an orderly service so people can worship and receive the Word of the Lord with as few distractions as possible.